Monthly Archives: September 2016

QR Codes – What are they and why do we need them?


We’ve all seen them, those crazy-looking squares of digital gobble-gook, right?  In fact, a QR (Quick Response) Code is a machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, used for storing URLs or other information for reading by the camera on a smartphone.

This is a really cool and handy technology for marketing Music Lingua classes!  QR Codes are easily created online for free – try QR Code Monkey, QR Code Generator or the original Kaywa.  You can even embed images such as the Music Lingua logo!

Once you have a QR code linked to your website or registration page, you can use it in all kinds of marketing materials.  People are much more inclined to use their phones to scan a QR code on a poster, brochure, flyer or business card than type in a url to get to your website.  I have even seen them used on car magnets!

The added benefit of using a QR code in your advertisement is simplicity.  Find a catchy phrase to capture attention such as “French Classes for Kids!” along with the Music Lingua Logo, your website name, phone number and QR Code.  Bigger, eye-catching images with few words will attract more attention than a wordy piece that overwhelms the eye.

Have you used QR Codes?  What has worked for you?  Please add your comments below!

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