

Several years ago, a parent encouraged me to start a Facebook page for my Music Lingua business.  At first, I was skeptical about the need to do this or the benefits that might arise from pursuing it.  With her encouragement, I entered the social media world slowly and now I have over 400 weekly views!  Initially, it was a fun way to share images of what happened in the classroom, especially the crafts.  It’s easy for parents to tag themselves and share on their own timelines so family and friends can see what fun they are having in the Music Lingua classes.

My students enjoy my posts that tie into the curriculum we are covering.  For example, parents may appreciate a link to a grammar explanation that time does not allow us to address during class.  They also enjoy videos in the target language that may correspond with the vocabulary that they can share with their children.  I also use Facebook as a forum for directing parents to activities in our community such as foreign language conversation groups, international festivals, etc. and certainly to alert them to upcoming classes and activities I support.  With a little encouragement and a click of a button, they can help spread the word to their family and friends.

I try not to post more than once a day, but do try to post something every couple of days to keep my audience engaged.  This doesn’t mean I need to be on Facebook every day.  Facebook makes it very easy to schedule posts well into the future so you can be actively engaging your Facebook audience even while you’re on vacation!  Statistically, the posts that get the most attention are the ones that ask people to respond with a comment or idea, so consider doing this to ensure your post gets the maximum visibility.

Do you use social media to promote your business?  What has worked for you?  Please comment below!

About Barbara Mills

Barbara Mills has been a French Music Lingua teacher in Colorado Springs for the past 5 years and has successfully grown her classes, starting with 5 families in 1 class to over 30 families participating in 6 classes currently. She credits her success with the love of children and the French language as well as a strong background in entrepreneurship, marketing and business development.

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