Reply To: Socks, felt boards, and RONRONSI

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Hi Andrea,

Congratulations on getting off to a great start with Music Lingua! I’m sure you’ll continue to have a blast with it.

I teach Spanish here in Denver, and I’ll attempt to answer your question about RonronsĂ­. I think it is a great chance to practice the r sound, but also, it’s a play on the word ronronear, which is to purr. the song is based on the English song called Fiddle I Fee, in which the cat goes fiddle I fee in each verse, so I guess the Music Lingua composers used poetic license to have the cat go ronronsĂ­!

I have a couple of questions for the Music Lingua teachers at large, so I’m glad you posted, because I couldn’t find this email address!

Has anyone located a good vendor for toe socks, or glove socks, for the counting song in the new farm unit? I found these cow toe socks on google, and they’re kind of cute at $8.50 a pair.

Also, I have been having trouble with my large blue felt board. Nothing sticks to it well, and it has been a bit frustrating. Has anyone discovered any tricks to make it more sticky?
