Reply To: Teaching Music Lingua during Covid-19

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Christina Crane

Hallo Freunde!

My name is Christina Crane and I’m a new teacher out of Bozeman, Montana, though my son and I have been Gigi’s students for years now. I so appreciated seeing Cinthia’s Spanish video that I opted to teach via video myself, and thought I would share what I came up with. My video is not as smooth, but it was a great learning experience – especially for a first time teacher trying to navigate her first Music Lingua class and first online class, all at the same time.

I recorded the video one song at a time in cased I made mistakes and had to re-record. And I messed up plenty! I did many “takes” over three days to make this video. In fact, I was starting to question my process, but then I realized that I was gaining valuable practice and experience by trying to get it just right. Of course, I never got it just right, but I got close enough that I felt happy sending my video out into the world.

I have offered to try Zoom this week for our second to last class, but I will be reading through your experiences first. Not all the votes are in, but it seems that the video might actually be preferred. I know as a parent, being able to watch the video whenever it is most convenient is very helpful during these times, and I don’t even have an elementary or older child’s online schedule to navigate. My second video was the duration of a normal class, but as a video I felt that was a bit too long. I’ll be keeping a closer eye on the time for my third and fourth classes.

I look forward to learning more from all of you! Thanks for sharing your videos and tips.

All the best,
